K & R Realty, Llc - Limited Liability

P. O. Box 1471, Higley, Arizona, 85236
(480) 703-3532

K & R Realty, Llc is a licensed real estate llc in the city of Higley, Arizona. K & R Realty, Llc has real estate license number LC661674000 which was issued by Arizona Real Estate Department on 11/30/2015. The current status of license is Active and it is valid till 11/30/2021. The official address of K & R Realty, Llc is P. O. Box 1471, Higley, Arizona, 85236 and the contact number is (480) 703-3532.

Designated broker for K & R Realty, Llc (License No. LC661674000) is Rebecca L Donaldson (License No. BR530745000). K & R Realty, Llc is a real estate llc and employs 2 employees as sales agents and/or brokers. Licensed real estate professionals / entities are also commonly referred to as real estate agents or Realtors.

Realtor's Profile

Legal NameK & R Realty, Llc
License NumberLC661674000
CredentialsReal Estate LLC
Complete AddressP. O. Box 1471,
Higley, Arizona 85236
County NameMaricopa County
Phone Number(480) 703-3532
Fax Number(480) 686-8566

Arizona Real Estate License

License NumberLC661674000
License TypeReal Estate LLC
License Status Active
License Issue Date11/30/2015
Latest Renewed Date11/6/2019
License Expiry Date11/30/2021

Designated Broker or Managing Broker

A business entity cannot act as a broker in Arizona unless the entity designates an active individual broker to act on its behalf. Rebecca L Donaldson is a designated broker for K & R Realty, Llc.

Designated BrokerRebecca L Donaldson
Designated Officer TypeBroker
License NumberBR530745000

Employees in K & R Realty, Llc

As per our records, there are 2 real estate employees who are currently working for K & R Realty, Llc.

Employee NameCredentialsLicense Number
Rebecca L DonaldsonBrokerBR530745000
Karson J DonaldsonSalespersonSA631521000

Address Location for K & R Realty, Llc
Real Estate LLCs in Higley, AZ
Southwestern Ag Services, Llc

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P.o. Box 1857, Higley, AZ 85236-1857
(480) 539-2671
Sage Real Estate Group, Llc

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Po Box 658, Higley, AZ 85236
(480) 323-8871
Sonoran Desert Realty

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P O Box 1897, Higley, AZ 85236
(480) 389-4890
One Sky Realty

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3324 E. Ray Rd. 2045, Higley, AZ 85236
(602) 318-9809
Heart And Home Realty

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Po Box 946, Higley, AZ 85236