FAQ and Contact Us

Why have you made my information public?

All information on our website is derived from open/public data of respective states. The real estate licensee data and other professional licensee data is public/open by law [depending on the state's licensing agency]. We only cover states where this data is made public by law. We firmly believe our website helps end user verify the license status/authenticity of a professional service provider in an easy and much more accessible way. This data is already present on the govt. licensing agency's website but is difficult to find - we just make it more accessible to general public. Since, you were able to find this information only now and so easily is a testament to the fact that this data was earlier buried on official websites despite been made public.

My data is wrong/old/personal?

Wrong/Old Information - If possible, please update your data with the official licensing agency of your state. This way when we update our data, your data will be automatically updated. It will also be helpful if anyone else is using this data.

Personal Data - It may be possible that your personal address is listed on our website. All states only make business address public but it may be possible that you provided your personal address instead of business address at the time of licensing due to various reasons. It is impossible for us to know if the listed address is your personal address. Please write to us ([email protected]) or update your address with official licensing agency and it will be automatically updated on our next data refresh.

How do I update my data?

We are working on a solution where profile owners can claim and update their information on the website. However, this feature is still few weeks away from going live. In the meantime, we urge you to please update your data with the official licensing agency and it will be automatically updated on our website in few days. If you want to update any specific field on urgent basis, please drop an email to [email protected] and we will do our best.