Hector Damon Rodriguez - Real Estate Agent

7423 E. Tanque Verde, Tucson, Arizona, 85715
(520) 290-2335

Hector Damon Rodriguez is a licensed real estate salesperson in the city of Tucson, Arizona. Hector Damon Rodriguez has real estate license number SA532162000 which was issued by Arizona Real Estate Department on 3/14/2002. The current status of license is Active and it is valid till 3/31/2020. The official address of Hector Damon Rodriguez is 7423 E. Tanque Verde, Tucson, Arizona, 85715 and the contact number is (520) 290-2335.

Hector Damon Rodriguez (License No. SA532162000) is an employee of Tierra Antigua Realty, a Limited Liability (license number LC529176002) and is working as Salesperson. Hector Damon Rodriguez has a license type of Real Estate Salesperson which allows a real estate professional to perform services such as selling, buying, renting, auctioning, advertising of real estate properties, but only on behalf of a real estate broker (licensed broker who employs the sales agent). Licensed real estate professionals / entities are also commonly referred to as real estate agents or Realtors.

Realtor's Profile

Legal NameHector Damon Rodriguez
License NumberSA532162000
CredentialsReal Estate Salesperson
Complete Address7423 E. Tanque Verde,
Tucson, Arizona 85715
County NamePima County
Phone Number(520) 290-2335
Fax Number(520) 382-3300

Arizona Real Estate License

License NumberSA532162000
License TypeReal Estate Salesperson
License Status Active
License Issue Date3/14/2002
Latest Renewed Date5/29/2018
License Expiry Date3/31/2020

Employer Details

Hector Damon Rodriguez is employed by Tierra Antigua Realty which is a Limited Liability and Hector Damon Rodriguez is employed as Salesperson.

Employer Legal Name Co-workers of Hector Damon Rodriguez

As per our records, there are 266 co-workers who are currently working with Hector Damon Rodriguez at

NameCredentialsLicense Number
David L EazerBrokerBR005044000
Lorraine FitzgeraldBrokerBR005308000
Victoria A BombergerBrokerBR006495000
Jean Marie MabryBrokerBR006745000
Ruth Ann WojcikBrokerBR007086000
Sheila MartinBrokerBR007090000
John J MataloneBrokerBR008163000
Jacquelyn 'jackie' GrochBrokerBR009338000
W. Joan KellyBrokerBR012750000
William Scott WalkerBrokerBR013353000
Lois A FarrellBrokerBR017065000
Martha Gorum JacksonBrokerBR022532000
Joan A ToberBrokerBR027530000
Thomas J RussoBrokerBR030264000
Joan M CarrBrokerBR036144000
Samuel 'sam' J DalesandroBrokerBR068459000
Jan VernonBrokerBR108900000
Joy Hart CritchellBrokerBR109010000
Debra J StertzBrokerBR115436000
Paige L DraperBrokerBR500886000
Mary L CooperBrokerBR506111000
Caroline FreedmanBrokerBR507704000
Julia Ann NellisBrokerBR513739000
Micha Ellen GilloolyBrokerBR517444000
Lauren J. Palmer-hutchisonBrokerBR532313000
Annette JacksonBrokerBR533924000
Christopher R MabryBrokerBR538441000
Roger N RiversBrokerBR539954000
Kathleen 'kathy' A RyanBrokerBR542257000
Denise W BengeBrokerBR545069000
William P PlummerBrokerBR548625000
Amanda Lyn ElmerBrokerBR554467000
Ranel Cox, Jr.BrokerBR572069000
Kimberly A MarohnBrokerBR579459000
Katherine Lynn GraboschBrokerBR583027000
Marsha Rae HixBrokerBR585314000
Darla S JohnsonBrokerBR624455000
Ann K GavlickBrokerBR633959000
Terry M FeatherstonBrokerBR647652000
Philip A PaigeSalespersonSA006758000
Saundra J MarekSalespersonSA016210000
Mitch CaninSalespersonSA017450000
David L GrinneySalespersonSA017904000
D 'dee' CastanedaSalespersonSA024476000
Ernest Roy BaumeSalespersonSA025503000
Cindy Jo LowderSalespersonSA027077000
Lumen L SpencerSalespersonSA028337000
Steven 'steve' A KornmanSalespersonSA029480000
Duane BinghamSalespersonSA031333000
James GillieSalespersonSA038367000

Address Location for Hector Damon Rodriguez
Real Estate Salespersons in Tucson, AZ
Raleigh Thomas Williams

2890 E. Skyline Dr Suite 250, Tucson, AZ 85718
(520) 577-7433
Philip A Paige

7423 E. Tanque Verde, Tucson, AZ 85715
(520) 290-2335
Michael W Francis

5326 N. La Cholla, Tucson, AZ 85741
(520) 225-6800
Leona G Puzo

8755 E Broadway, Tucson, AZ 85710
(520) 886-9877
Catherine 'cathy' M Cash

4051 E.sunrise Drive, #101, Tucson, AZ 85718
(520) 299-2201
Steven R Cole

4572 E. Camp Lowell Dr, Tucson, AZ 85712
(520) 529-1430
Enna M Cassler

2285 W Ironwood Hill Drive, Tucson, AZ 85745
Ann S Chumbler

3834 S 6th Ave, Tucson, AZ 85714
(520) 294-7600