Beatriz Edwina Andrade - Real Estate Agent

18745 S. 1-19 Frontage Road, A105, Green Valley, Arizona, 85614

Beatriz Edwina Andrade is a licensed real estate salesperson in the city of Green Valley, Arizona. Beatriz Edwina Andrade has real estate license number SA678955000 which was issued by Arizona Real Estate Department on 6/5/2018. The current status of license is Active and it is valid till 6/30/2020. The official address of Beatriz Edwina Andrade is 18745 S. 1-19 Frontage Road, A105, Green Valley, Arizona, 85614 and the contact number is (520)428-0444.

Beatriz Edwina Andrade (License No. SA678955000) is an employee of Tierra Antigua Realty, a Limited Liability (license number LC529176013) and is working as Salesperson. Beatriz Edwina Andrade has a license type of Real Estate Salesperson which allows a real estate professional to perform services such as selling, buying, renting, auctioning, advertising of real estate properties, but only on behalf of a real estate broker (licensed broker who employs the sales agent). Licensed real estate professionals / entities are also commonly referred to as real estate agents or Realtors.

Realtor's Profile

Legal NameBeatriz Edwina Andrade
License NumberSA678955000
CredentialsReal Estate Salesperson
Complete Address18745 S. 1-19 Frontage Road, A105,
Green Valley, Arizona 85614
County NameSanta Cruz County
Phone Number(520)428-0444
Fax Number(520)425-8815

Arizona Real Estate License

License NumberSA678955000
License TypeReal Estate Salesperson
License Status Active
License Issue Date6/5/2018
Latest Renewed Date9/24/2018
License Expiry Date6/30/2020

Employer Details

Beatriz Edwina Andrade is employed by Tierra Antigua Realty which is a Limited Liability and Beatriz Edwina Andrade is employed as Salesperson.

Employer Legal Name Co-workers of Beatriz Edwina Andrade

As per our records, there are 70 co-workers who are currently working with Beatriz Edwina Andrade at

NameCredentialsLicense Number
Matthew E TennysonBrokerBR518287000
Steven H SmithBrokerBR536522000
Debra L LarochelleBrokerBR547125000
Kimberly A AndersonBrokerBR560956000
David H MessickBrokerBR571839000
Martha Beatriz TaylorBrokerBR630076000
Kathleen E HarrellBrokerBR650452000
Jose L CuameaBrokerBR655169000
Lori BrasethBrokerBR655841000
Kimberly Anne VasquezBrokerBR660610000
Mary Ann DevineBrokerBR661735000
Linda Mary LohrBrokerBR665857000
Jill Ann KratzBrokerBR677608000
Shad D OsteenSalespersonSA505560000
Cynthia A LeitzkeSalespersonSA527964000
Sarah A StoefflerSalespersonSA532011000
Mary E FixSalespersonSA544087000
Joyce E OsborneSalespersonSA549072000
Lea M MartinezSalespersonSA554293000
Linda B ShaneSalespersonSA556816000
Jacqueline M MckulskySalespersonSA575702000
Norbert C EparvierSalespersonSA584903000
Joanna DojaquezSalespersonSA585704000
Robert W SmithSalespersonSA623977000
Jacqueline L SmithSalespersonSA625320000
Elizabeth Lee BurnhamSalespersonSA625454000
Julian Ellsworth Hamill Jr.SalespersonSA626348000
Nancy A HofstedeSalespersonSA627613000
Patricia S AndrewsSalespersonSA629229000
Cruz CoronaSalespersonSA642070000
Rhonda Joy FreelandSalespersonSA643386000
Kathy L. WesterburgSalespersonSA651059000
Caroline C ReillySalespersonSA651596000
Brian Craig HarperSalespersonSA655332000
Russell Edward FortunoSalespersonSA658088000
Louise RileySalespersonSA658741000
Ana Zoraida NavarroSalespersonSA659046000
Rebekah M WordSalespersonSA659789000
Jeffrey HarrellSalespersonSA661222000
Roy E HulseySalespersonSA661891000
David Scott RickerSalespersonSA662552000
Deborah Lynn BorgerdingSalespersonSA665452000
Audrey L MckinleySalespersonSA665551000
Sergio Rene PerezSalespersonSA665672000
Candy BowenSalespersonSA668874000
Raquel GamezSalespersonSA671002000
Paula S LovejoySalespersonSA671740000
Elizabeth R ThomasSalespersonSA672140000
Kaela Colleen LugoSalespersonSA672960000
Richard Garcia DuarteSalespersonSA673697000
Sophia Maria WitteSalespersonSA675241000

Address Location for Beatriz Edwina Andrade
Real Estate Salespersons in Green Valley, AZ
James L Brewton Jr

1317 N. Sun Catcher Way, Green Valley, AZ 85614
(520) 373-6958
Charlene Sander

80 W Calle De Las Tiendes, Green Valley, AZ 85614
(520) 625-5418
Stephen James Godbee

P.o. Box 1747, Green Valley, AZ 85622
(520) 777-3646
Roxan Gay Stone

275 W Continental Rd #101, Green Valley, AZ 85622
(520) 625-5000
Donna Rae Schenek

180 W. Continental Rd Suite 100, Green Valley, AZ 85622
(520) 625-1112
Cathrine L Donau

275 W Continental Rd #101, Green Valley, AZ 85622
(520) 625-5000
Carol A Yarborough

275 W Continental Rd #101, Green Valley, AZ 85622
(520) 625-5000
Patricia L Melton

275 W Continental Rd #101, Green Valley, AZ 85622
(520) 625-5000