Savills Inc. is a licensed real estate corporation in the city of Los Angeles, California. Savills Inc. has real estate license number 00388260 which was issued by California Real Estate Department on 12 October, 2015. The current status of license is Licensed (Active) and it is valid till 11 October, 2019. The official mailing address of Savills Inc. is 777 S Figueroa St 30th Fl, Los Angeles, California, 90017.
Designated broker / officer for Savills Inc. (License No. 00388260) is Mark Thomas Sullivan (License No. 00975518). Savills Inc. is a real estate corporation and employs 19 brokers as associate brokers and 99 salespersons as sales agents. Licensed real estate professionals / entities are also commonly referred to as real estate agents or Realtors.
Name | Savills Inc. |
Credentials | Real Estate Corporation |
Complete Address | 777 S Figueroa St 30th Fl, Los Angeles, California 90017 |
County Name & Code | Los Angeles County (County Code: 19) |
License Number | 00388260 |
License Type | Real Estate Corporation |
License Status | Licensed (Active) |
License Effective Date | 12 October, 2015 |
License Expiry Date | 11 October, 2019 |
A business entity cannot act as a broker in California unless the entity designates an active individual broker to act on its behalf. Mark Thomas Sullivan is a designated broker for Savills Inc..
Designated Broker | Mark Thomas Sullivan |
Designated Officer Type | Designated Officer |
License Number | 00975518 |
Savills Inc. (License No. 00388260) is a responsible broker for 19 broker associates. A broker associate is a person who has a broker license but works as a salesperson for another broker or real estate corporation.
Broker Associate Name | BA License Number | BA License Type | Association Date |
John David Brady | 00580537 | Broker | 10/12/18 |
Gregg Michael Hall | 00662555 | Broker | 3/21/18 |
Patrick Lawrence Murphy | 00762343 | Broker | 1/29/18 |
Robert Ernest Michaels III | 00823128 | Broker | 1/29/18 |
John Bryan Bertram | 00836177 | Broker | 1/29/18 |
Bruce Eliot Schuman | 00882453 | Broker | 1/29/18 |
David Lee Willis | 00887597 | Broker | 2/5/18 |
Michael Robert Labelle | 00905261 | Broker | 1/29/18 |
Derek Shane Graham | 00945927 | Broker | 1/29/18 |
Jeffrey Nathan Logan | 01104651 | Broker | 1/22/18 |
Jeff Alan Manley | 01170369 | Broker | 1/29/18 |
Robin R Wherritt | 01235460 | Broker | 1/29/18 |
Shawn Lee Bakke | 01326433 | Broker | 4/20/18 |
Kevin Clifford Mitchell | 01415439 | Broker | 1/22/18 |
Dillon Deats Dummit | 01710332 | Broker | 1/29/18 |
Christopher Paul Armato | 01726106 | Broker | 1/29/18 |
Nicholas Basil Foussianes | 01732300 | Broker | 3/15/18 |
Joseph Julian Jones | 01952925 | Broker | 1/29/18 |
Cara Leonard | 02007294 | Broker | 1/29/18 |
As per our records, there are 99 real estate agents who are currently working for Savills Inc.. Licensed sales agents in California can work only on behalf of licensed real estate broker or corporation.