Rae Ann Dasnoit is a licensed real estate salesperson in the city of Ventura, California. Rae Ann Dasnoit has real estate license number 01203352 which was issued by California Real Estate Department on 09 November, 2015. The current status of license is Licensed (Active) and it is valid till 08 November, 2019. The official mailing address of Rae Ann Dasnoit is 2261 Fawn Ave, Ventura, California, 93003.
Rae Ann Dasnoit (License No. 01203352) is an employee of West Edge Inc, a Real Estate Corporation (license number 01481919). Rae Ann Dasnoit has a license type of Real Estate Salesperson which allows a real estate professional to perform services such as selling, buying, renting, auctioning, advertising of real estate properties, but only on behalf of a real estate broker (licensed broker who employs the sales agent). Licensed real estate professionals / entities are also commonly referred to as real estate agents or Realtors.
Name | Rae Ann Dasnoit |
Credentials | Real Estate Salesperson |
Complete Address | 2261 Fawn Ave, Ventura, California 93003 |
County Name & Code | Ventura County (County Code: 56) |
License Number | 01203352 |
License Type | Real Estate Salesperson |
License Status | Licensed (Active) |
License Effective Date | 09 November, 2015 |
License Expiry Date | 08 November, 2019 |
Real estate agents in California can only work on behalf of a licensed real estate broker or real estate company. The employer for Rae Ann Dasnoit is West Edge Inc (Real Estate Corporation).
Employer | West Edge Inc |
Employer Type | Real Estate Corporation |
Employer License Number | 01481919 |
Employer Address | 2300 BOSWELL RD STE 100, CHULA VISTA, CA 91914 |
As per our records, there are 726 co-workers who are currently working with Rae Ann Dasnoit.
Name | Credentials | License Number |
William George Lewis | Salesperson | 00333483 |
James E Gerner | Salesperson | 00416287 |
Marie Josephine Asaro | Salesperson | 00444173 |
Paul Filip Hahn | Salesperson | 00474104 |
Victor Jesus Esquer | Salesperson | 00524820 |
Cory Hilton Shepard | Salesperson | 00526803 |
Cristina Manahan Navarete | Salesperson | 00571880 |
Marie C Aguinaldo | Salesperson | 00587955 |
Jane Laurel Mann | Salesperson | 00591384 |
William Charles Morris | Salesperson | 00602417 |
Steven James Rotsart | Salesperson | 00628541 |
Judith Annette Soule | Salesperson | 00630770 |
Randy William Engel | Salesperson | 00643755 |
Barbara Elaine Jones | Salesperson | 00679290 |
Vicki Ann Warren | Salesperson | 00705412 |
Constance Hogan Giorgetta | Salesperson | 00706231 |
Rip Ray Fritzer | Salesperson | 00719216 |
Sandra Ann Glas | Salesperson | 00776162 |
Patricia Ann Egre | Salesperson | 00820385 |
Dennis Schoen Bragg | Salesperson | 00826882 |
Mona Hermiz | Salesperson | 00830649 |
Marcia Lynn Goodwin-Parkes | Salesperson | 00848671 |
Bonnee Joy Proo | Salesperson | 00857936 |
Bertha Lisia Llamas | Salesperson | 00869061 |
Willard Chester Pruitt | Salesperson | 00869758 |
Richard Anthony Calderone | Salesperson | 00883027 |
Mark David Kniffing | Salesperson | 00893994 |
Stephen Frank Renaldi | Salesperson | 00904480 |
Mark Mendillo | Salesperson | 00907276 |
Rita Carol Blackwood | Salesperson | 00917433 |
Bruce Wayne King | Salesperson | 00932530 |
Karen Vargas | Salesperson | 00937498 |
Marcia K Tolin | Salesperson | 00941166 |
Patricia A Mc Kelvey | Salesperson | 00956130 |
Natalie Eva Cook | Salesperson | 00956518 |
Gregory Mark Hall | Salesperson | 00962219 |
Timothy Gene Hintz | Salesperson | 00967025 |
Jose Luis S Melchor | Salesperson | 00974490 |
Roy Arthur Reed | Salesperson | 00975922 |
Ernestina Mayorquin | Salesperson | 00984422 |
Diana Evelyn Lusk | Salesperson | 00989737 |
Wayne Morris Henry | Salesperson | 00991579 |
Enrique Adriano Toledo | Salesperson | 00999375 |
Jilma Esther Centeno | Salesperson | 01003865 |
David Thomas Bryan | Salesperson | 01009295 |
Young Sook Hall | Salesperson | 01011425 |
Norma Angelica Martinez | Salesperson | 01012140 |
Parvin Inkumsah | Salesperson | 01012394 |
Jorge Cristo | Salesperson | 01015351 |
Eduardo J Soto | Salesperson | 01021520 |
Rosa E R Demendoza | Salesperson | 01021527 |