Legend Realty & Finance Group is a licensed real estate corporation in the city of Santa Clara, California. Legend Realty & Finance Group has real estate license number 02092688 which was issued by California Real Estate Department on 06 June, 2019. The current status of license is Licensed (Active) and it is valid till 05 June, 2023. The official mailing address of Legend Realty & Finance Group is 3375 Scott Blvd Ste 306, Santa Clara, California, 95054.
Designated broker / officer for Legend Realty & Finance Group (License No. 02092688) is Nan Li (License No. 01388907). Legend Realty & Finance Group is a real estate corporation and employs 1 broker as associate broker and 151 salespersons as sales agents. Licensed real estate professionals / entities are also commonly referred to as real estate agents or Realtors.
Name | Legend Realty & Finance Group |
Credentials | Real Estate Corporation |
Complete Address | 3375 Scott Blvd Ste 306, Santa Clara, California 95054 |
County Name & Code | Santa Clara County (County Code: 43) |
License Number | 02092688 |
License Type | Real Estate Corporation |
License Status | Licensed (Active) |
License Effective Date | 06 June, 2019 |
License Expiry Date | 05 June, 2023 |
A business entity cannot act as a broker in California unless the entity designates an active individual broker to act on its behalf. Nan Li is a designated broker for Legend Realty & Finance Group.
Designated Broker | Nan Li |
Designated Officer Type | Designated Officer |
License Number | 01388907 |
Legend Realty & Finance Group (License No. 02092688) is a responsible broker for 1 broker associate. A broker associate is a person who has a broker license but works as a salesperson for another broker or real estate corporation.
Broker Associate Name | BA License Number | BA License Type | Association Date |
Shu Zhao | 02022751 | Broker | 8/13/19 |
As per our records, there are 151 real estate agents who are currently working for Legend Realty & Finance Group. Licensed sales agents in California can work only on behalf of licensed real estate broker or corporation.
Employee Name | Credentials | License Number |
Paul Hing Lui | Salesperson | 01303795 |
Andrew Wong | Salesperson | 01308965 |
Song Jie Hu | Salesperson | 01384769 |
Joshua Jiaxun Tao | Salesperson | 01447490 |
Linda Yun Huang | Salesperson | 01460433 |
James Qiao | Salesperson | 01478849 |
Lee Han | Salesperson | 01519612 |
Xiaotan He | Salesperson | 01701852 |
Xiaochun Qian | Salesperson | 01783822 |
Xiaohong Pan | Salesperson | 01789420 |
Amanda Pei Zhang | Salesperson | 01798805 |
Cici Wu | Salesperson | 01818829 |
Jianqiang Huang | Salesperson | 01844860 |
Li Li | Salesperson | 01898300 |
Zhaowei Liu | Salesperson | 01898672 |
Jia Chen | Salesperson | 01900558 |
Xingqiang John Wu | Salesperson | 01908871 |
Shan Shan Cao | Salesperson | 01914826 |
Louis Alfonso Zimmerle | Salesperson | 01922190 |
Yong Li | Salesperson | 01924107 |
Guiping Su | Salesperson | 01925890 |
Hong Yin | Salesperson | 01928772 |
Shidong Lin | Salesperson | 01929090 |
Susan Huang | Salesperson | 01932675 |
Jia Kong Lin | Salesperson | 01932737 |
Ling Ma | Salesperson | 01934807 |
Cherrie Wun | Salesperson | 01943580 |
Tao Li | Salesperson | 01958967 |
Xueting Li | Salesperson | 01963426 |
Qiong Shi | Salesperson | 01963900 |
Jia Liu | Salesperson | 01984755 |
Xin Liu | Salesperson | 01985746 |
Yunjie Ni | Salesperson | 01987487 |
Yao Tian | Salesperson | 01989136 |
Wei En Liao | Salesperson | 01989564 |
Ling Gou | Salesperson | 01993996 |
Huiping Shi | Salesperson | 01994937 |
Brett Reed Barber | Salesperson | 02000761 |
Chunguang Yang | Salesperson | 02002454 |
Ming-Huey Tseng | Salesperson | 02002584 |
Kangni Yuan | Salesperson | 02005400 |
Xiao Gui | Salesperson | 02006568 |
Qi Yu | Salesperson | 02007366 |
Yan Sun | Salesperson | 02008468 |
Zhiqiang Huang | Salesperson | 02010378 |
Yiyi Yao | Salesperson | 02010405 |
Shiyang Liu | Salesperson | 02012041 |
Liping Gao | Salesperson | 02012243 |
Bichuan Yang | Salesperson | 02013060 |
Yaqi Yang | Salesperson | 02014325 |