Trisha L Ellis Llc

Realty Company

5018 Inshore Landing Drive, Apollo Beach Blvd., Florida, 33572

Trisha L Ellis Llc is a licensed real estate corporation in Apollo Beach Blvd., Florida and has a total experience of 6 years in real estate business. Licensed real estate professionals / entities are also commonly referred to as real estate agents or Realtors. The real estate license number 1059711 was issued to Trisha L Ellis Llc on 06 December, 2019. The status of license is Current (Active) and address listed on Trisha L Ellis Llc's license document is 5018 Inshore Landing Drive, Apollo Beach Blvd., Florida, 33572. The license is effective from 06 December, 2019 and will expire on 30 September, 2021.

Trisha L Ellis Llc has a license type of Real Estate Corporation which allows a real estate professional or entity to perform services such as selling, buying, renting, auctioning, advertising of real estate properties for compensation commonly in the form of commission or brokerage which is generally negotiable.

Realtor's Profile

NameTrisha L Ellis Llc
Doing Business AsAlign Right Realty South Shore
CredentialsReal Estate Corporation
Experience6 yrs
Contact Address5018 Inshore Landing Drive, Apollo Beach Blvd., Florida, 33572
Florida License Number1059711
Alternate License NumberCQ1059711
CountyHillsborough county

License Status

Real Estate License CQ1059711 (Real Estate Corporation)
License Primary StatusCurrent - The licensee is up to date with respect to the department's requirements for licensure
License Secondary StatusActive - The licensee is allowed to operate under the associated license
License Issued On06 December, 2019
License In Use From06 December, 2019
License Valid Upto30 September, 2021

Employees of Trisha L Ellis Llc

As per our records, there are 18 real estate agents who are currently working for Trisha L Ellis Llc.
Employee NameCredentialsExperienceLicense Number
Lane, Alan DSales Associate21 yrs3076121
Karban, Kandi LlcBroker Associate11 yrs3313530
Gallegos, Candace NatashaBroker Associate10 yrs3320843
Ellis, Trisha LynnSales Associate10 yrs3332068
Aspilaire, Aja MoniqueSales Associate8 yrs3391976
Diaz, Tracey AnneSales Associate8 yrs3397513
Mcmullen, MarciaSales Associate7 yrs3403746
Bergman, Debra EllenSales Associate7 yrs3408296
Macquarrie, Laurel L PllcSales Associate7 yrs3413334
Rondinelli, Rosa MariaSales Associate7 yrs3418711
Kovacs, AttilaSales Associate7 yrs3424801
Diaz, Louis FrancoisSales Associate7 yrs3425519
Cordasco, MarkSales Associate7 yrs3431197
Ashford, GregorySales Associate6 yrs3452074
Lee, Craig MichaelSales Associate6 yrs3452552
Fontanella, Joseph MatthewSales Associate6 yrs3456616
Loewy, John WilliamBroker6 yrs3459690
Calvert, Shawna MichelleSales Associate5 yrs3463049

Address Location for Trisha L Ellis Llc
Real Estate Corporations in Apollo Beach Blvd., FL