Terrence Fair Wood

Real Estate Broker

Bayview Tower Suite 509, 400 Mann Street, Corpus Christi, Texas, 78401

Terrence Fair Wood is a licensed real estate broker in Corpus Christi, Texas and has a total experience of 32 years in real estate business. The real estate license number 152920 was issued by TREC to Terrence Fair Wood on 21 April, 1993. The current status of license is Expired and address listed on Terrence Fair Wood's license document is Bayview Tower Suite 509, 400 Mann Street, Corpus Christi, Texas, 78401. The license already expired on 30 April, 2018. You can reach out to Terrence Fair Wood via phone number 361-888-8891.

Terrence Fair Wood has a license type of Real Estate Broker which allows a real estate professional to perform services such as selling, buying, renting, auctioning, advertising of real estate properties for compensation commonly in the form of commission. Licensed real estate professionals / entities are also commonly referred to as real estate agents or Realtors.

Realtor's Profile

NameTerrence Fair Wood
CredentialsReal Estate Broker
Experience32 yrs
Complete AddressBayview Tower Suite 509, 400 Mann Street, Corpus Christi, Texas, 78401
Mailing AddressBayview Tower Suite 509, 400 Mann Street, Corpus Christi, Texas, 78401
Phone Number361-888-8891
Email Addresstfwandco @ yahoo . com

Texas Real Estate License

License Number152920
License TypeReal Estate Broker
License Status Expired
License Issue Date21 April, 1993
License Expiry Date30 April, 2018
Continuing Education (MCE) StatusNon-elective CE Requirements Met

Continuing Education

Real estate license needs to be renewed every 2 years. Sales Agents and Brokers need to complete atleast 18 hours of Continuing Education to become eligible for renewal. Terrence Fair Wood has successfully completed following courses as part of qualifying and continuing education.

Course Name (course number)Course ProviderCourse End DateHours
Legal Update I (29622)The MCE Professionals2016-06-224
Legal Update II (29623)The MCE Professionals2016-06-204
7-Hour National USPAP Update (30707)Appraisal Institute,Region VIII2016-05-128
What You Need To Know About Back-Up Contracts and Addenda (26972)The MCE Professionals2016-04-192
7-Hour National USPAP Update (27021)Appraisal Institute,Region VIII2015-05-078
TREC Ethics MCE (26393)Texas Association of Realtors2014-04-293
TREC Legal Update MCE (26392)Texas Association of Realtors2014-04-293
WRITE IT RIGHT, NO. 148 (24322)The Columbia Institute2013-12-198
INTERAGENCY RULES OF BANKS & CREDIT UNIONS NO 011 (24721)The Columbia Institute2013-12-175
TREC Ethics MCE (23556)Real Estate Institute of Corpus Christi Inc2012-04-123
TREC Legal Update MCE (23555)Real Estate Institute of Corpus Christi Inc2012-04-123
NATIONAL USPAP UPDATE, NO. 101 (19374)The Columbia Institute2011-12-167
PRACTICE OF APPRAISAL REVIEW-FHA PROTOCOL, NO. 145" (19354)The Columbia Institute2011-12-158
REPORT WRITING-THE UAD, NO., 120 (22892)The Columbia Institute2011-12-148
STAYING OUT OF TROUBLE (23551)Appraisal Institute,Region VIII2011-10-248
TREC ETHICS MCE (E) (18650)Real Estate Institute of Corpus Christi Inc2010-04-253
TREC LEGAL UPDATE MCE (L) (18649)Real Estate Institute of Corpus Christi Inc2010-04-253
FHA TODAY, NO 114 (17281)The Columbia Institute2009-12-178
TREC ETHICS MCE (E) (16497)Real Estate Institute of Corpus Christi Inc2008-04-273
TREC LEGAL UPDATE MCE (L) (16496)Real Estate Institute of Corpus Christi Inc2008-04-273
QUALITY ASSURANCE IN RESIDENTIAL APPRAISALS (16719)Appraisal Institute,Region VIII2008-02-268
NATIONAL USPAP UPDATE, NO 101 (15235)The Columbia Institute2007-12-128
ANALYZING DISTRESSED REAL ESTATE (14942)Appraisal Institute,Region VIII2007-05-044
SCOPE OF WORK: EXPANDING YOUR RANGE OF SERVICES (14994)Appraisal Institute,Region VIII2007-04-208
TREC LEGAL UPDATE MCE (L) (13837)Real Estate Institute of Corpus Christi Inc2006-04-233
TREC ETHICS MCE (E) (13836)Real Estate Institute of Corpus Christi Inc2006-04-233
REVIEW APPRAISAL UPDATE, NO 109 (13418)The Columbia Institute2005-12-166
REVIEW APPRAISAL UPDATE, NO 109 (13418)The Columbia Institute2005-12-162
USING THE NEW FORMS, NO. 103 (14216)The Columbia Institute2005-12-158
7-HOUR USPAP UPDATE (14023)Appraisal Institute,Region VIII2005-04-228
SUPPORTING CAPITALIZATION RATES (13604)Appraisal Institute,Region VIII2004-07-168
REAL ESTATE ETHICS: PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS (12781)Real Estate Institute of Corpus Christi Inc2004-04-283
7-HOUR USPAP UPDATE (12868)Appraisal Institute,Region VIII2004-04-168
STATE BAR COURSE (18700)2003-05-143
PRACTICE OF CONDEMNATION APPRAISAL, NO. 209 (12792)The Columbia Institute2003-02-189
PRACTICE OF CONDEMNATION APPRAISAL, NO. 209 (12792)The Columbia Institute2003-02-187
APPRAISAL CONSULTING (12735)Appraisal Institute,Region VIII2002-11-227
APPRAISAL CONSULTING (12735)Appraisal Institute,Region VIII2002-11-221
TODAY'S E-AGENT (12451)Texas Association of Realtors2002-06-271
28-HOUR APPRAISER RECERTIFICATION SEMINAR-MODULE III (11961)Appraisal Institute,Region VIII2002-04-278
APPRAISERS AND THE GRAMM-LEACH-BLILEY ACT (12429)Appraisal Institute,Region VIII2002-02-222
FUNDAMENTALS OF RELOCATION APPRAISING (12331)Appraisal Institute,Region VIII2002-01-288
RESIDENTIAL SALES COMPARISON APPROACH (12289)Appraisal Institute,Region VIII2001-12-037
RESIDENTIAL SALES COMPARISON APPROACH (12289)Appraisal Institute,Region VIII2001-12-031
WIN-WIN: PEACE AND HARMONY BETWEEN LANDLORDS AND TENANTS (11671)Real Estate Institute of Corpus Christi Inc2001-08-034
DEFINING AND CAPTURING THE CLIENTS' WISHES (11612)Real Estate Institute of Corpus Christi Inc2001-08-034
GIS IN REAL ESTATE (12086)Appraisal Institute,Region VIII2001-05-058
CASE STUDIES IN RESIDENTIAL HIGHEST & BEST USE (11641)Appraisal Institute,Region VIII2000-03-248
STANDARDS OF PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE PART A (11588)Appraisal Institute,Region VIII1999-12-109
STANDARDS OF PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE PART A (11588)Appraisal Institute,Region VIII1999-12-103
APPRAISING MANUFACTURED HOUSING (11362)Appraisal Institute,Region VIII1999-02-138
TEXAS REAL ESTATE: THE ISSUES AND THE SOLUTIONS, PART 2 (10826)Real Estate Institute of Corpus Christi Inc1998-04-263
TEXAS REAL ESTATE: THE ISSUES AND THE SOLUTIONS, PART 2 (10826)Real Estate Institute of Corpus Christi Inc1998-04-261
TEXAS REAL ESTATE: THE ISSUES AND THE SOLUTIONS, PART 1 (10825)Real Estate Institute of Corpus Christi Inc1998-04-253
TEXAS REAL ESTATE: THE ISSUES AND THE SOLUTIONS, PART 1 (10825)Real Estate Institute of Corpus Christi Inc1998-04-252
ALTERNATIVE RESIDENTIAL REPORTING FORMS (10784)Appraisal Institute,Region VIII1997-04-188
HIGHEST AND BEST USE APPLICATIONS (10771)Appraisal Institute,Region VIII1996-09-208
STANDARDS OF PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE, PART A (10582)Appraisal Institute,Region VIII1995-11-029
STANDARDS OF PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE, PART A (10582)Appraisal Institute,Region VIII1995-11-023
AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT SEMINAR (10175)Appraisal Institute,Region VIII1993-10-294
LEGAL UPDATE (10117)Texas Association of Realtors1992-11-1415

Address Location for Terrence Fair Wood
Real Estate Brokers in Corpus Christi, TX
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241 Montclair Dr, Corpus Christi, TX 78412
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4525 Snead, Corpus Christi, TX 78427
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150 Cordula Street, P O Box 270535, Corpus Christi, TX 78427
Walter Henry Deville

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457 Sharon Dr, Corpus Christi, TX 78412
George W Hoelscher

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1133 Clarion, Corpus Christi, TX 78412
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453 Robert Drive, Corpus Christi, TX 78412
Wilson Albert Wakefield

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6026 Killarmet Dr, Corpus Christi, TX 78413
George Edwin Clower

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304 S Morningside, P O Box 33130, Corpus Christi, TX 78404