One Real Estate Inc

Realty Company

2421 N Lecanto Hwy, Lacanto, Florida, 34461

One Real Estate Inc is a licensed real estate corporation in Lacanto, Florida and has a total experience of 24 years in real estate business. Licensed real estate professionals / entities are also commonly referred to as real estate agents or Realtors. The real estate license number 257708 was issued to One Real Estate Inc. The status of license is Current (Active) and address listed on One Real Estate Inc's license document is 2421 N Lecanto Hwy, Lacanto, Florida, 34461. The license is effective from 06 March, 2001 and will expire on 31 March, 2021.

One Real Estate Inc has a license type of Real Estate Corporation which allows a real estate professional or entity to perform services such as selling, buying, renting, auctioning, advertising of real estate properties for compensation commonly in the form of commission or brokerage which is generally negotiable.

Realtor's Profile

NameOne Real Estate Inc
Doing Business AsRe/max Realty One
CredentialsReal Estate Corporation
Experience24 yrs
Contact Address2421 N Lecanto Hwy, Lacanto, Florida, 34461
Florida License Number257708
Alternate License NumberCQ257708
CountyCitrus county

License Status

Real Estate License CQ257708 (Real Estate Corporation)
License Primary StatusCurrent - The licensee is up to date with respect to the department's requirements for licensure
License Secondary StatusActive - The licensee is allowed to operate under the associated license
License Issued On
License In Use From06 March, 2001
License Valid Upto31 March, 2021

Employees of One Real Estate Inc

As per our records, there are 34 real estate agents who are currently working for One Real Estate Inc.
Employee NameCredentialsExperienceLicense Number
Varnadoe, Jerry StephenBroker Associate45 yrs300275
Cure, Sally J PaBroker Associate23 yrs3037497
Tuel, Janice J.Sales Associate22 yrs3048246
Miele, Louis ASales Associate21 yrs3077521
Barnes, Nathan Scott PaSales Associate21 yrs3096356
Ivory, David StewartSales Associate20 yrs3109873
Ivory, Alan AndrewSales Associate20 yrs3123747
Potts, Sheryl L PaBroker Associate20 yrs3124052
Macaisa, Marlo BasaSales Associate19 yrs3181138
Devane, Kim P PaBroker Associate18 yrs3201766
Orlito, Michael David PaBroker Associate18 yrs3201786
States, Mark LeeBroker Associate17 yrs3216965
Tholund, Bonita SusanSales Associate16 yrs3221531
Bortz, KristinSales Associate14 yrs3247484
Cunningham, Brogan PatrickBroker14 yrs3252467
Reagan, Gloria Jean PllcSales Associate12 yrs3278007
Thompson, Joan RSales Associate11 yrs3293286
Nadal, Cheryl ASales Associate45 yrs334274
Miller, Bobi Cari AnnSales Associate9 yrs3371431
Bush, Laura ASales Associate9 yrs3373760
Pullias, Keith Thomas JrSales Associate8 yrs3379586
Green, Kathleen LouiseSales Associate7 yrs3404178
Bourke, Stacey DanielleSales Associate6 yrs3451059
Gathman, Mark RSales Associate5 yrs3471441
Meahl, Linda BSales Associate38 yrs488055
Stoltz, Jennifer EmelSales Associate36 yrs533985
Stumpf, Nancy JSales Associate36 yrs544469
Cunningham, Karen SBroker31 yrs613853
Mac Donald, Dianne J PaBroker Associate30 yrs619937
Cunningham, Kevin DavidBroker26 yrs655978
Sather, Martha TheresaSales Associate27 yrs660482
Goddard, Kelly R PaSales Associate25 yrs697514
Shemet, Pamela MaryBroker Associate24 yrs705174
Korol, Willis PeterBroker Associate24 yrs706203

Address Location for One Real Estate Inc
Real Estate Corporations in Lacanto, FL