Martha Sue Parton

Real Estate Agent

7008 Majorca, El Paso, Texas, 79912

Martha Sue Parton is a licensed real estate sales agent in El Paso, Texas and has a total experience of 36 years in real estate business. The real estate license number 259946 was issued by TREC to Martha Sue Parton on 14 April, 1989. The current status of license is Expired and address listed on Martha Sue Parton's license document is 7008 Majorca, El Paso, Texas, 79912. The license already expired on 31 July, 2016. You can reach out to Martha Sue Parton via phone number 915-240-8800.

Martha Sue Parton has a license type of Real Estate Sales Agent which allows a real estate professional to perform services such as selling, buying, renting, auctioning, advertising of real estate properties, but only on behalf of a real estate broker (licensed broker who sponsers the sales agent). Licensed real estate professionals / entities are also commonly referred to as real estate agents or Realtors.

Realtor's Profile

NameMartha Sue Parton
CredentialsReal Estate Sales Agent
Experience36 yrs
Complete Address7008 Majorca, El Paso, Texas, 79912
Mailing Address6357 Monarch Dr., El Paso, Texas, 79912
Phone Number915-240-8800

Texas Real Estate License

License Number259946
License TypeReal Estate Sales Agent
License Status Expired
License Issue Date14 April, 1989
License Expiry Date31 July, 2016
Continuing Education (MCE) StatusNon-elective CE Requirements Outstanding

Continuing Education

Real estate license needs to be renewed every 2 years. Sales Agents and Brokers need to complete atleast 18 hours of Continuing Education to become eligible for renewal. Martha Sue Parton has successfully completed following courses as part of qualifying and continuing education.

Course Name (course number)Course ProviderCourse End DateHours
TITLE COMMITMENTS - A TO D (27840)Title Resources Guaranty Company2015-12-101
2014 TREC Contract Changes (26786)Title Resources Guaranty Company2015-12-101
The New CFPB Integrated Disclosure Form - How Will It Affect My (28352)EducateRE2015-07-011
VIRTUAL BROKERAGE: HOW TO DO IT (26247)Academy of Real Estate El Paso2014-04-053
TREC Ethics MCE (23556)Alliant National Title Insurance Co.2013-09-163
TREC Legal Update MCE (23555)Alliant National Title Insurance Co.2013-09-163
AVOIDING MINES IN THE FIELD (25441)Alliant National Title Insurance Co.2013-07-233
SEVEN HABITS OF SUCCESSFUL AGENTS (25205)Alliant National Title Insurance Co.2013-07-233
AT HOME WITH DIVERSITY (17871)Academy of Real Estate El Paso2012-04-186
MARKETING THE BRAND CALLED: YOU (24041)Old Republic National Title Insurance Company2012-03-064
TREC ETHICS MCE (E) (18650)Alliant National Title Insurance Co.2011-04-133
TREC LEGAL UPDATE MCE (L) (18649)Alliant National Title Insurance Co.2011-04-133
TREC LEGAL UPDATE MCE (L) (18649)Academy of Real Estate El Paso2010-04-203
RESPA - REFORM AND REVIEW (17762)Alliant National Title Insurance Co.2010-02-082
TREC ETHICS MCE (E) (16497)Academy of Real Estate El Paso2009-10-093
UNITED TEXAS: HOUSING INITIATIVES THAT WORK (17713)Texas Association of Realtors2009-08-254
THE TEXAS REALTOR - APPROACH TO FORECLOSURES AND SHORT SALES (17768)Texas Association of Realtors2009-08-248
TREC ETHICS MCE (E) (16497)Academy of Real Estate El Paso2008-03-183
HOME POSSIBLE SYMPOSIUM (16714)Academy of Real Estate El Paso2008-02-214
MANAGING WORKPLACE CHALLENGES (15899)Academy of Real Estate El Paso2007-12-103
TREC CONTRACTS AND ADDENDA UPDATE (14644)Academy of Real Estate El Paso2007-07-163
TREC LEGAL UPDATE MCE (L) (13837)Academy of Real Estate El Paso2007-07-163
STATE BAR COURSE (18700)2006-04-122
STATE BAR COURSE (18700)2006-04-121
TREC CONTRACTS AND ADDENDA UPDATE (13272)Academy of Real Estate El Paso2006-02-213
REAL ESTATE FINANCE TODAY (13529)Academy of Real Estate El Paso2005-07-193
TREC LEGAL UPDATE MCE (L) (13837)Academy of Real Estate El Paso2005-04-193
UNDERSTANDING 1031 TAX-FREE EXCHANGES (13271)Academy of Real Estate El Paso2005-04-193
SUCCESSFULLY SELLING HUD HOMES (13729)MetroTex Association of Realtors, Inc.2005-02-154
PROPERTY MANAGEMENT AND MANAGING RISK (12558)Academy of Real Estate El Paso2004-05-183
ETHICS AND REAL ESTATE (12609)Academy of Real Estate El Paso2004-04-203
CLIENT ADVOCACY IN THE MARKET PLACE (13178)Academy of Real Estate El Paso2004-03-243
STATE BAR COURSE (18700)2003-04-013
EMERGING MARKETS: SEIZE THE OPPORTUNITIES (12684)Texas Association of Realtors2003-02-202
STATE BAR COURSE (18700)2002-01-293
ETHICS AND REAL ESTATE (11851)Academy of Real Estate El Paso2001-04-243
DIVERSITY AND DOING BUSINESS (11828)Academy of Real Estate El Paso2001-03-133
STATE BAR COURSE (18700)2001-03-063
REAL ESTATE FINANCE TODAY (11849)Academy of Real Estate El Paso2001-02-203
ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES IN YOUR REAL ESTATE PRACTICE (11826)Academy of Real Estate El Paso2001-02-133
STATE BAR COURSE (18700)2001-02-063
ACCREDITED BUYER REPRESENTATIVE (11257)Texas Association of Realtors1998-10-309
ACCREDITED BUYER REPRESENTATIVE (11257)Texas Association of Realtors1998-10-306
R.E. MCE UPDATE (10747)Academy of Real Estate El Paso1997-08-103
R.E. MCE UPDATE (10747)Academy of Real Estate El Paso1997-08-1012
YOU BE THE JUDGE (10657)Austin Board of Realtors1996-04-244
AGENCY IN TEXAS - IT'S NOT ALL THAT DIFFICULT (10457)Austin Board of Realtors1996-04-243
AMENDMENTS, ADDENDA & NOTICES - CREATING THE PAPER TRAIL (10678)Austin Board of Realtors1996-04-238
RESIDENTIAL CONTRACTS, MEDIATION & VHAP (B-1) (10213)Texas Association of Realtors1994-05-185
RESIDENTIAL CONTRACTS, MEDIATION & VHAP (B-1) (10213)Texas Association of Realtors1994-05-183
AGENCY/RISK REDUCTION (A-1) (10211)Texas Association of Realtors1994-05-178
ADDED BY IS (5998)ADDED BY IS1988-02-29180

Address Location for Martha Sue Parton
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