Maria Luz Otero is a licensed real estate broker in Daytona Beach, Florida and has a total experience of 13 years in real estate business. Licensed real estate professionals / entities are also commonly referred to as real estate agents or Realtors. The real estate license number 3261391 was issued to Otero, Maria Luz on 27 July, 2012. The status of license is Current (Active) and address listed on Maria Luz Otero's license document is 2055 S Atlantic Ave, Apt 805, Daytona Beach, Florida, 32118. The license is effective from 01 August, 2012 and will expire on 30 September, 2020.
Otero, Maria Luz has a license type of Real Estate Broker which allows a real estate professional or entity to perform services such as selling, buying, renting, auctioning, advertising of real estate properties for compensation commonly in the form of commission or brokerage which is generally negotiable. The employer for Maria Luz Otero is Mana Llc (real estate license no. 1056338).
Name | Otero, Maria Luz |
Credentials | Real Estate Broker |
Experience | 13 yrs |
Contact Address | 2055 S Atlantic Ave, Apt 805, Daytona Beach, Florida, 32118 |
Florida License Number | 3261391 |
Alternate License Number | BK3261391 |
County | Volusia county |
Employer | Mana Llc |
Employer License Number | 1056338 |
Real Estate License | BK3261391 (Real Estate Broker) |
License Primary Status | Current - The licensee is up to date with respect to the department's requirements for licensure |
License Secondary Status | Active - The licensee is allowed to operate under the associated license |
License Issued On | 27 July, 2012 |
License In Use From | 01 August, 2012 |
License Valid Upto | 30 September, 2020 |
Real estate license needs to be renewed every 2 years. For first renewal, a broker needs to complete 60 hours of post-license education and for all subsequent renewals, need to complete 14 hrs of continuing education.
Course Name | Course Number | Credit Hours | Course End Date |
Keep It Small, The Cost Of Delayed | 9627574 | 1 | 11/17/2015 |
Anatomy Of Water Leak | 9627740 | 1 | 01/20/2016 |
Distressed Property Solutions | 0013658 | 3 | 03/23/2016 |
The Code Of Ethics Our Promise Of | 0015259 | 3 | 03/14/2016 |
Florida Realtors Florida Bar Contracts | 0015594 | 4 | 03/03/2016 |
Unlocking The Secrets: The Ins And Outs | 0014539 | 3 | 08/31/2016 |
2015 Requirements For Conducting Mtng & | 9627452 | 8 | 09/15/2016 |
Core Law Gri 101 | 0014998 | 3 | 09/05/2018 |
Achieving Maintenance & Personnel | 9628519 | 8 | 09/22/2018 |
Supplement Your Income With Mls | 0017564 | 2 | 02/04/2019 |
Success Series Prospecting For And | 0019160 | 2 | 03/02/2020 |
So You Think You Want To Be A Commercial | 0015011 | 4 | 05/08/2020 |
Affordable Housing Solutions | 0007781 | 3 | 06/23/2020 |
The Moral And Ethics Of The Fha Hecm For | 0015605 | 3 | 03/18/2016 |
Community Associations Operations | 9627577 | 8 | 09/06/2016 |
Gri 102:starting Your Business | 0014237 | 8 | 02/26/2019 |
Real Estate Investing:what You Customer | 0013478 | 3 | 05/19/2020 |
2015 Legal Update | 9627362 | 2 | 09/15/2016 |
Broker Post-investment | 0017695 | 30 | 05/02/2018 |
How To Run Your Real Estate Business | 0020626 | 4 | 06/14/2019 |
Gri 103: Maximize Your Profitability | 0014239 | 8 | 03/19/2019 |
Gri 202: Technology And Investments | 0014245 | 8 | 06/28/2019 |
Understanding Our "bylaws" - A Primer | 9627049 | 1 | 11/03/2015 |
A Pratical Guide To Owning/managing A Re | 0007238 | 30 | 03/18/2018 |
2018 Legal Update | 9628767 | 2 | 09/22/2018 |
2017 Legal Update | 9628451 | 2 | 09/21/2018 |
Distressed Property Solutions | 0013658 | 3 | 06/20/2019 |
You Gotta Go Tenant Evictions | 0017626 | 3 | 05/28/2020 |
The Papaerless Real Estate Transaction | 0022307 | 3 | 06/19/2020 |
8 Moves To Productivity | 9627953 | 1 | 08/10/2016 |
A Real Estate Professional Guide To | 0014846 | 3 | 08/31/2016 |
De-mystifying The Appraisal Process For | 0013476 | 3 | 08/22/2017 |
Completing An Effective Purchase Sales C | 0007611 | 4 | 05/19/2020 |
Supplement Your Income With Mls | 0017564 | 2 | 02/07/2017 |
Core Law- Gri 103 | 0014999 | 3 | 03/19/2019 |
2016 Legal Update | 9627795 | 2 | 09/06/2016 |
Budgeting & Financial Reporting For | 9628521 | 8 | 09/24/2018 |
Foundations Of Form Simplicity | 0018598 | 2 | 02/04/2019 |
Optimizing Your Workflow With Form | 0018597 | 2 | 02/04/2019 |
Code Of Ethics | 0019585 | 3 | 03/02/2020 |
Real Estate Finance: Helping Your | 0013639 | 3 | 06/26/2020 |
Core Law | 0009690 | 3 | 03/11/2016 |
The Rusty Realtor's Reboot | 0016316 | 7 | 05/13/2016 |
2018 Legal Update | 9629057 | 2 | 06/14/2018 |
Realtors Code Of Ethics | 0019487 | 3 | 09/21/2018 |
Employer Name | Mana Llc |
Employer 'Doing Business As' | Mana Real Estate |
Employer Credentials | Real Estate Corporation |
Employer License Number | CQ1056338 |
Employer Address | 2055 S Atlantic Avenue, Suite 805, Daytona Beach Shores, FL 32118 |
No. of Co-workers | 1 |