Beckles, Elsa Erwina

Real Estate Agent

Po Box 67512, Phoenix, Arizona, 85082

Elsa Erwina Beckles is a licensed real estate sales associate in Phoenix, Arizona and has a total experience of 11 years in real estate business. Licensed real estate professionals / entities are also commonly referred to as real estate agents or Realtors. The real estate license number 3303982 was issued to Beckles, Elsa Erwina on 20 August, 2014. The status of license is Current (Active) and address listed on Elsa Erwina Beckles's license document is Po Box 67512, Phoenix, Arizona, 85082. The license is effective from 29 June, 2015 and will expire on 31 March, 2022.

Beckles, Elsa Erwina has a license type of Real Estate Sales Associate which allows a real estate professional to perform services such as selling, buying, renting, auctioning, advertising of real estate properties for compensation (in the form of commission or brokerage), but only at the direction and control of a real estate broker or for their registered owner developer. The employer for Elsa Erwina Beckles is Tavolacci Realty Inc (real estate license no. 1008538).

Realtor's Profile

NameBeckles, Elsa Erwina
CredentialsReal Estate Sales Associate
Experience11 yrs
Contact Address Po Box 67512, Phoenix, Arizona, 85082
Florida License Number3303982
Alternate License NumberSL3303982
CountyOut Of State county
EmployerTavolacci Realty Inc
Employer License Number1008538

License Status

Real Estate License SL3303982 (Real Estate Sales Associate)
License Primary StatusCurrent - The licensee is up to date with respect to the department's requirements for licensure
License Secondary StatusActive - The licensee is allowed to operate under the associated license
License Issued On20 August, 2014
License In Use From29 June, 2015
License Valid Upto31 March, 2022

Continuing Education

Real estate license needs to be renewed every 2 years. For first renewal, a sales associate needs to complete 45 hours of post-license education and for all subsequent renewals, need to complete 14 hrs of continuing education.

Course NameCourse NumberCredit HoursCourse End Date
(correspondence) Continuing Education00197111412/11/2017
(correspondence) Continuing Education00197111411/05/2019
Florida Realtors Florida Bar Contracts0015594401/16/2020
The Moral And Ethics Of The Fha Hecm For0015605309/10/2015

Work Place

Elsa Erwina Beckles works for Tavolacci Realty Inc (A Real Estate Corporation) at Flagler Beach, FL along with 12 other co-workers. The real estate license number for Tavolacci Realty Inc is CQ1008538.
Employer NameTavolacci Realty Inc
Employer CredentialsReal Estate Corporation
Employer License NumberCQ1008538
Employer Address200 South Oceanshore Boulevard, Flagler Beach, FL 32136
No. of Co-workers12

Address Location for Elsa Erwina Beckles
Real Estate Sales Associates in Phoenix, AZ
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