Larrabee, Barbarann

Real Estate Agent

120 Lehane Ter #315, North Palm Beach, Florida, 33408

Barbarann Larrabee is a licensed real estate sales associate in North Palm Beach, Florida and has a total experience of 8 years in real estate business. Licensed real estate professionals / entities are also commonly referred to as real estate agents or Realtors. The real estate license number 3396300 was issued to Larrabee, Barbarann on 28 September, 2017. The status of license is Current (Inactive) and address listed on Barbarann Larrabee's license document is 120 Lehane Ter #315, North Palm Beach, Florida, 33408. The license is effective from 12 September, 2018 and will expire on 31 March, 2021.

Larrabee, Barbarann has a license type of Real Estate Sales Associate which allows a real estate professional to perform services such as selling, buying, renting, auctioning, advertising of real estate properties for compensation (in the form of commission or brokerage), but only at the direction and control of a real estate broker or for their registered owner developer.

Realtor's Profile

NameLarrabee, Barbarann
CredentialsReal Estate Sales Associate
Experience8 yrs
Contact Address120 Lehane Ter #315, North Palm Beach, Florida, 33408
Florida License Number3396300
Alternate License NumberSL3396300
CountyPalm Beach county

License Status

Real Estate License SL3396300 (Real Estate Sales Associate)
License Primary StatusCurrent - The licensee is up to date with respect to the department's requirements for licensure
License Secondary StatusInactive - The licensee has met the department's requirements for licensure but is not allowed to work under this license. Licenses are usually inactive if the person or organization wants to remain in good standing while they pursue other ventures. In order to return to an active status, the individual or organization would simply have to notify the department and complete any outstanding requirements, such as continuing education
License Issued On28 September, 2017
License In Use From12 September, 2018
License Valid Upto31 March, 2021

Continuing Education

Real estate license needs to be renewed every 2 years. For first renewal, a sales associate needs to complete 45 hours of post-license education and for all subsequent renewals, need to complete 14 hrs of continuing education.

Course NameCourse NumberCredit HoursCourse End Date
Assoc Bank Loans Vs Special Assessments9625288209/22/2015
M-205: Risk Management0001384805/03/2016
How Not To Conduct A Board Meeting9627867106/09/2016
Screening Approval Of Transfers And9626474205/30/2017
Budgets & Reserves In Condo Associations9626440103/26/2019
Florida Friendly Landscaping9627132107/11/2019
Securing Your Community9629392108/27/2019
2020 Legal Update9629730210/22/2019
Condo. Assoc. Records & Meetings9626501104/26/2016
Insuring Against Identity Theft9625426102/08/2017
Deficiencies In Financial Statement &9628409102/04/2017
Condo. Assoc. Records & Meetings9626501103/28/2017
M-206: Financial Management0001394805/22/2017
2018 Legal Update9628810210/12/2017
Restoring Contaminated Building9626098209/25/2018
Convenant Enforceability For Hoa's &9627463110/14/2015
Anger Management9627931102/06/2016
2017 Legal Update9628342210/25/2016
Condominium Financial Reporting9626495103/28/2017
2018 Legal Update9628838210/24/2017
Flood Mitigation Training Program9628724204/17/2019
Insurance 101 For Property Managers9625193206/20/2019
Drone & Uas Safety For Cams9628612109/26/2017
(distance) Sales Post-license00168804510/18/2017
Disaster Preparedness Part Ii:9628584106/26/2018
Condominium Financial Reporting9626495103/26/2019
How To Handle A Crime, Death, Or Media9629583109/12/2019
Health Care Reform9627019102/06/2016
2016 Legal Update9627749210/14/2015
Do's & Don'ts Of Association Budgeting &9626554110/14/2015
Condominium Insurance9626497104/26/2016
Huricane Preparedness For Community9628954105/22/2018
Hoarders-clearing Out The Clutter9627770107/18/2018
Active Shooter Preparedness9628952207/31/2019
These Are Not Your Mother's Appliances9629365206/25/2019
2016 Legal Update9627825210/27/2015
M-202: Association Communications0001376810/21/2016
How Not To Conduct A Board Meeting9627867111/27/2018
Legal Update 20209629685210/10/2019
Advanced Guarding Methods9629852102/25/2020
(distance) Continuing Education00215101406/30/2020
How Not To Conduct A Board Meeting9627867102/23/2016
The Pool Rules9628006208/23/2016
Tree Care9627133109/11/2019
(distance) Continuing Education00235161406/30/2020
Watch Your Assets9627603108/25/2015
It's All About The Palms9628128205/24/2016
Public Records Searches For Cams9627553111/07/2016
Restoring Contaminated Building9626098201/24/2017
2019 Legal Update9629203210/17/2018
Huricane Preparedness For Community9628954104/23/2019

Address Location for Barbarann Larrabee
Real Estate Sales Associates in North Palm Beach, FL
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760 Prosperity Farms Rd, North Palm Beach, FL 33408-4116
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