Ma Edward Y

Tradename Broker

7 Brighton Road, Manhasset, New York, 11030

Ma Edward Y is a licensed real estate tradename broker in Manhasset, New York and is in the business of real estate transactions in New York County of New York. Licensed real estate professionals / entities are also commonly referred to as real estate agents or Realtors. The real estate license number 37MA0990365 was issued to Ma Edward Y by NYS Department of State (Division of Licensing Services). The status of license is Active and address listed on Ma Edward Y's license document is 7 Brighton Road, Manhasset, New York, 11030. The real estate license is valid till 11 June, 2021.

Ma Edward Y has a license type of Real Estate Tradename Broker which means the person is qualified to be issued a license as a broker but operates as a salesperson in the employ of another broker. The employer for Ma Edward Y is Easy Realty Co (real estate license no. 109924176) which is a Real Estate Principal Office.

Realtor's Profile

NameMa Edward Y
CredentialsReal Estate Tradename Broker
Contact Address7 Brighton Road, Manhasset, New York, 11030
License Number37MA0990365
CountyNew York County
EmployerEasy Realty Co
Employer License Number109924176

License Status

Real Estate License 37MA0990365
License TypeReal Estate Tradename Broker
License StatusActive
License Expiry Date11 June, 2021

Work Place

Ma Edward Y (Real Estate Tradename Broker) works for Easy Realty Co (A Real Estate Principal Office) at Manhasset, NY along with 1 other co-workers. The real estate license number for Easy Realty Co (Real Estate Principal Office) is 109924176.
Employer NameEasy Realty Co
Employer CredentialsReal Estate Principal Office
Employer License Number109924176
Employer Address7 Brighton Road, Manhasset, NY 11030
Employer CountyNew York County
No. of Branches0
No. of Employees2

Address Location for Ma Edward Y
Real Estate Tradename Brokers in New York County, NY
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1239 Broadway, Suite 607, New York, NY 10001
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170 E 87th St, Ste W7h, New York, NY 10128
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205 W 15th St, #cc, New York, NY 10011
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216 Cumberland St, Brooklyn, NY 11205
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105 Fifth Ave, New York, NY 10003
Tzen Rebecca

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185 W End Ave, Ste 12m, New York, NY 10023
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181 73rd St Apt #404, Brooklyn, NY 11209
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65 Lillian Road, Mahopac, NY 10541