Steven Craig Trimpe

Real Estate Agent

3305 Long Prairie Road, Suite 105, Flower Mound, Texas, 75022

Steven Craig Trimpe is a licensed real estate sales agent in Flower Mound, Texas and has a total experience of 17 years in real estate business. The real estate license number 591289 was issued by TREC to Steven Craig Trimpe on 19 November, 2008. The current status of license is Current and Active and address listed on Steven Craig Trimpe's license document is 3305 Long Prairie Road, Suite 105, Flower Mound, Texas, 75022. The license will expire on 30 November, 2020. You can reach out to Steven Craig Trimpe via phone number 214-707-4086.

Steven Craig Trimpe has a license type of Real Estate Sales Agent which allows a real estate professional to perform services such as selling, buying, renting, auctioning, advertising of real estate properties, but only on behalf of a real estate broker (licensed broker who sponsers the sales agent). Steven Craig Trimpe is sponsored/employed by Mersal Realty, Limited Liability Company, a Real Estate Broker LLC (real estate license no. 9000714). Licensed real estate professionals / entities are also commonly referred to as real estate agents or Realtors.

Realtor's Profile

NameSteven Craig Trimpe
CredentialsReal Estate Sales Agent
Experience17 yrs
Complete Address3305 Long Prairie Road, Suite 105, Flower Mound, Texas, 75022
Mailing Address3116 Wood Trail, Flower Mound, Texas, 75022
Phone Number214-707-4086
Email Addresssteve @ trimpemktg . com

Texas Real Estate License

License Number591289
License TypeReal Estate Sales Agent
License Status Current and Active
License Issue Date19 November, 2008
License Expiry Date30 November, 2020
Continuing Education (MCE) StatusNon-elective CE Requirements Outstanding

Sponsoring Broker Details

Real estate agents in Texas can work only on behalf of a licensed real estate broker. The sponsoring broker for Steven Craig Trimpe is Mersal Realty, Limited Liability Company (Real Estate Broker LLC).

Sponsoring Broker / EmployerMersal Realty, Limited Liability Company
Sponsor TypeReal Estate Broker LLC
Sponsoring Broker License Number9000714

Continuing Education

Real estate license needs to be renewed every 2 years. Sales Agents and Brokers need to complete atleast 18 hours of Continuing Education to become eligible for renewal. Steven Craig Trimpe has successfully completed following courses as part of qualifying and continuing education.

Course Name (course number)Course ProviderCourse End DateHours
Legal Update II (2018-2019) (33198)123CE, Inc.2018-10-114
RESPA 101 (33937)123CE, Inc.2018-10-103
Legal Update I (2018-2019) (33197)123CE, Inc.2018-10-104
Non-Traditional Mortgage Lending 101 (33935)123CE, Inc.2018-10-092
TREC Contracts 101 (33934)123CE, Inc.2018-10-094
1031 Tax Exchanges 101 (33928)123CE, Inc.2018-10-091
Legal Update II (29623)Freedom Title, LP2016-11-074
Legal Update I (29622)Freedom Title, LP2016-11-074
How to Negotiate with a Homebuilder (30307)Greater Lewisville Association of Realtors2016-10-182
How to Read a Blue Print (28132)MetroTex Association of Realtors, Inc.2016-10-181
Seller Beware: 32 Buyer Outs in the Real Estate Contract (30678)Texas REALTORS2016-09-168
BROKER RESPONSIBILITY COURSE (24214)Champions School of Real Estate, LTD2014-11-146
Hottest of the New Tech (26967)Champions School of Real Estate, LTD2014-11-133
TREC Ethics MCE (26393)Champions School of Real Estate, LTD2014-11-133
TREC Legal Update MCE (26392)Champions School of Real Estate, LTD2014-11-133
Successfully Selling HUD Homes (26574)Real Estate Career Training2014-09-232
TREC Ethics MCE (23556)Champions School of Real Estate, LTD2012-03-193
TREC Legal Update MCE (23555)Champions School of Real Estate, LTD2012-03-193
INSIDER'S GUIDE TO COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE (19237)Champions School of Real Estate, LTD2012-03-169
A SHORT STORY ABOUT SHORT SALES (17960)Beadles, Newman & Lawler, A Professional Corporation2011-04-131
TREC ETHICS MCE (E) (18650)Alliant National Title Insurance Co.2010-11-043
TREC LEGAL UPDATE MCE (L) (18649)Alliant National Title Insurance Co.2010-09-233
THE POWER OF EXCHANGE (17377)Asset Preservation, Inc.2010-08-133
LISTING PRESENTATIONS (18801)Real Estate Career Training2010-02-183
REAL ESTATE MARKETING I (511)Real Estate Career Training2009-01-2360
REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS I (911)Lone Star College Tomball2008-09-2530
LOAN AP, PROCEDURES, C/C (421)Lone Star College Tomball2008-09-2330
LAW OF AGENCY (1111)Lone Star College Tomball2008-09-0430
Principles of Real Estate II (112)Lone Star College Tomball2006-07-2030
PRINCIPLES OF REAL ESTATE I (111)Champions School of Real Estate, LTD2006-04-0630
LAW OF CONTRACTS (1200)Lone Star College Tomball2006-02-1730

Address Location for Steven Craig Trimpe
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