Christopher Frank Soto

Real Estate Broker

7120 Hollis St. Ne, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87109

Christopher Frank Soto is a licensed real estate broker in Albuquerque, New Mexico and has a total experience of 16 years in real estate business. The real estate license number 599619 was issued by TREC to Christopher Frank Soto on 19 October, 2009. The current status of license is Expired and address listed on Christopher Frank Soto's license document is 7120 Hollis St. Ne, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87109. The license already expired on 30 November, 2019. You can reach out to Christopher Frank Soto via phone number 832-657-9565.

Christopher Frank Soto has a license type of Real Estate Broker which allows a real estate professional to perform services such as selling, buying, renting, auctioning, advertising of real estate properties for compensation commonly in the form of commission. Licensed real estate professionals / entities are also commonly referred to as real estate agents or Realtors.

Realtor's Profile

NameChristopher Frank Soto
CredentialsReal Estate Broker
Experience16 yrs
Complete Address7120 Hollis St. Ne, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87109
Mailing Address7120 Hollis St. Ne, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87109
Phone Number832-657-9565
Email Addressenssoto @ yahoo . com

Texas Real Estate License

License Number599619
License TypeReal Estate Broker
License Status Expired
License Issue Date19 October, 2009
License Expiry Date30 November, 2019
Continuing Education (MCE) StatusNon-elective CE Requirements Outstanding

Continuing Education

Real estate license needs to be renewed every 2 years. Sales Agents and Brokers need to complete atleast 18 hours of Continuing Education to become eligible for renewal. Christopher Frank Soto has successfully completed following courses as part of qualifying and continuing education.

Course Name (course number)Course ProviderCourse End DateHours
Insider's Guide to Commercial Real Estate (29946)Lone Star College Tomball2017-11-2910
Legal Update II (29623)Lone Star College Tomball2017-11-294
Legal Update I (29622)Lone Star College Tomball2017-11-284
Texas Real Estate Contracts (28874)Lone Star College Tomball2015-10-053
Broker Responsibility Course (27767)Lone Star College Tomball2015-10-046
TREC Ethics MCE (26447)Lone Star College Tomball2015-09-233
TREC Legal Update MCE (26448)Lone Star College Tomball2015-09-213
TREC Ethics MCE (23559)St Edward's University Professional Education2013-07-293
TREC Legal Update MCE (23558)St Edward's University Professional Education2013-07-283
PRINCIPLES OF REAL ESTATE III (113)Lone Star College Tomball2011-10-3130
REAL ESTATE BROKERAGE I (711)Lone Star College Tomball2011-10-1330
REAL ESTATE FINANCE I (411)Lone Star College Tomball2010-12-1430
REAL ESTATE MATH I (611)Lone Star College Tomball2010-12-1330
TREC ETHICS MCE (E) (ONLINE EXAM) (18658)GeeWhiz Real Estate School2010-11-133
TREC LEGAL UPDATE MCE (L) (ONLINE EXAM) (18657)GeeWhiz Real Estate School2010-11-133
RE MKT-BUSINESS BROKERAGE (531)Lone Star College Tomball2009-09-0330
PRINCIPLES OF REAL ESTATE I (111)Lone Star College Tomball2009-07-2630
LAW OF AGENCY (1111)Lone Star College Tomball2009-07-2330
LAW OF CONTRACTS (1200)Lone Star College Tomball2009-07-1630
PRINCIPLES OF REAL ESTATE II (112)Lone Star College Tomball2009-07-1230

Address Location for Christopher Frank Soto
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