Denise Schek is a licensed real estate sales associate in Wesley Chapel, Florida and has a total experience of 26 years in real estate business. Licensed real estate professionals / entities are also commonly referred to as real estate agents or Realtors. The real estate license number 678218 was issued to Schek, Denise on 20 July, 1999. The status of license is Current (Active) and address listed on Denise Schek's license document is P.o. Box 7456, Wesley Chapel, Florida, 33544. The license is effective from 01 May, 2015 and will expire on 31 March, 2021.
Schek, Denise has a license type of Real Estate Sales Associate which allows a real estate professional to perform services such as selling, buying, renting, auctioning, advertising of real estate properties for compensation (in the form of commission or brokerage), but only at the direction and control of a real estate broker or for their registered owner developer. The employer for Denise Schek is Greenacre Realty Services Llc (real estate license no. 1040267).
Name | Schek, Denise |
Credentials | Real Estate Sales Associate |
Experience | 26 yrs |
Contact Address | P.o. Box 7456, Wesley Chapel, Florida, 33544 |
Florida License Number | 678218 |
Alternate License Number | SL678218 |
County | Pasco county |
Employer | Greenacre Realty Services Llc |
Employer License Number | 1040267 |
Real Estate License | SL678218 (Real Estate Sales Associate) |
License Primary Status | Current - The licensee is up to date with respect to the department's requirements for licensure |
License Secondary Status | Active - The licensee is allowed to operate under the associated license |
License Issued On | 20 July, 1999 |
License In Use From | 01 May, 2015 |
License Valid Upto | 31 March, 2021 |
Real estate license needs to be renewed every 2 years. For first renewal, a sales associate needs to complete 45 hours of post-license education and for all subsequent renewals, need to complete 14 hrs of continuing education.
Course Name | Course Number | Credit Hours | Course End Date |
Community Next: 2020 And Beyond | 9629163 | 1 | 06/26/2019 |
Pre-emptive Strike Regular Evaluation | 9626584 | 1 | 06/16/2017 |
Understanding Property Insur Coverage | 9627075 | 2 | 08/18/2017 |
Painting & Waterproofing On Your | 9628769 | 1 | 02/21/2018 |
It's More Than Paint In A Gallon, It's | 9628895 | 1 | 05/17/2019 |
5 Keys For Unlocking Personal | 9629669 | 1 | 01/09/2020 |
Navigating Ethical Minefields Of | 9627804 | 1 | 07/15/2016 |
2017 Legal Update | 9628480 | 2 | 04/21/2017 |
Healthy, Wealthy And Wise Reserving For | 9626208 | 1 | 07/21/2017 |
Condo Construction Projects Gone Wild! | 9626710 | 2 | 04/15/2016 |
Budgeting & Reserves For Florida | 9628708 | 2 | 08/23/2017 |
Successful Community Assoc Management & | 9628349 | 1 | 05/18/2018 |
What Is A Community Association Managers | 9628479 | 1 | 05/18/2018 |
(correspondence) Continuing Education | 0019711 | 14 | 01/21/2019 |
The Basics Of Being A Community Board... | 9629248 | 2 | 05/27/2019 |
Community Security Trends | 9628497 | 2 | 03/15/2019 |
Budgeting & Reserves For Florida | 9628708 | 2 | 09/20/2019 |
Construction Defect For Cams | 9629430 | 1 | 08/16/2019 |
Healthy, Wealthy And Wise Reserving For | 9626208 | 1 | 03/13/2020 |
2016 Legal Update | 9627928 | 2 | 01/15/2016 |
Managing Owner Elections With Electronic | 9628134 | 1 | 06/26/2018 |
Kinder & Gentler Covenant Enforcement | 9628172 | 1 | 07/20/2018 |
Residential Contruction Defects | 9629201 | 1 | 07/15/2019 |
How To Handle Hazards Before They Become | 9627183 | 2 | 10/16/2015 |
2020 Legal Update | 9629728 | 2 | 04/29/2020 |
Avoiding Burnout | 9627292 | 2 | 05/20/2016 |
Concrete Restoration On Your Property | 9628768 | 1 | 02/21/2018 |
2018 Legislative Update | 9629000 | 2 | 03/16/2018 |
Association Ins Update | 9626581 | 1 | 06/07/2018 |
Key Elements In A Repair Contract | 9628823 | 1 | 06/07/2018 |
Workplace Violence/active Shooter | 9628861 | 1 | 06/15/2018 |
Elevator 101 | 9628596 | 1 | 02/15/2019 |
Taking Control Of Association Transition | 9627531 | 2 | 07/15/2016 |
Fair Housing Act Liability Avoidance | 9628219 | 1 | 10/19/2016 |
(distance) Ce For Fl Re Professionals | 0006792 | 14 | 02/12/2017 |
Aging Communities Deterioration And | 9626012 | 1 | 06/16/2017 |
Disaster Preperation | 9628836 | 1 | 07/20/2018 |
The Basics Of Being A Community Board... | 9629248 | 2 | 06/03/2019 |
2020 Legal Update | 9629670 | 2 | 10/18/2019 |
Employer Name | Greenacre Realty Services Llc |
Employer Credentials | Real Estate Corporation |
Employer License Number | CQ1040267 |
Employer Address | 4131 Gunn Hwy, Tampa, FL 33618 |
No. of Co-workers | 3 |