Stacy Alicia Bourgeois

Real Estate Agent

Po Box 2956, Glen Rose, Texas,

Stacy Alicia Bourgeois is a licensed real estate sales agent in Glen Rose, Texas and has a total experience of 8 years in real estate business. The real estate license number 694051 was issued by TREC to Stacy Alicia Bourgeois on 11 September, 2017. The current status of license is Current and Inactive and address listed on Stacy Alicia Bourgeois's license document is Po Box 2956, Glen Rose, Texas, . The license will expire on 30 September, 2021. You can reach out to Stacy Alicia Bourgeois via phone number 817-219-8855.

Stacy Alicia Bourgeois has a license type of Real Estate Sales Agent which allows a real estate professional to perform services such as selling, buying, renting, auctioning, advertising of real estate properties, but only on behalf of a real estate broker (licensed broker who sponsers the sales agent). Licensed real estate professionals / entities are also commonly referred to as real estate agents or Realtors.

Realtor's Profile

NameStacy Alicia Bourgeois
CredentialsReal Estate Sales Agent
Experience8 yrs
Complete AddressPo Box 2956, Glen Rose, Texas,
Mailing AddressPo Box 2956, Glen Rose, Texas, 76043
Phone Number817-219-8855
Email Address0716.BRL @ gmail . com

Texas Real Estate License

License Number694051
License TypeReal Estate Sales Agent
License Status Current and Inactive
License Issue Date11 September, 2017
License Expiry Date30 September, 2021
Continuing Education (MCE) StatusNon-elective CE Requirements Outstanding

Continuing Education

Real estate license needs to be renewed every 2 years. Sales Agents and Brokers need to complete atleast 18 hours of Continuing Education to become eligible for renewal. Stacy Alicia Bourgeois has successfully completed following courses as part of qualifying and continuing education.

Course Name (course number)Course ProviderCourse End DateHours
Real Estate Finance (451)SAM HOUSTON STATE UNIVERSITY2017-08-1430
Promulgated Contract Forms (351)Lone Star College Tomball2017-08-1430
Law of Contracts (1251)SAM HOUSTON STATE UNIVERSITY2017-08-1430
Principles of Real Estate II (122)SAM HOUSTON STATE UNIVERSITY2017-08-1430
Principles of Real Estate I (121)SAM HOUSTON STATE UNIVERSITY2017-08-1430
Law of Agency (1151)SAM HOUSTON STATE UNIVERSITY2017-08-1430

Address Location for Stacy Alicia Bourgeois
Real Estate Sales Agents in Glen Rose, TX
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505 Sw Big Bend Trail Ste B, Po Box 3299, Glen Rose, TX 76043
Dottie Hill

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3794 C W Hwy 67, Glen Rose, TX
Marilyn Ann Phillips

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408 Ne Big Bend Trail, P O Box 1364, Glen Rose, TX 76043
Roland Lee Stegall

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P.o. Box 3239, Glen Rose, TX
Sarah Murski Williams

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1922 County Road 2021, Glen Rose, TX
Lori Lanelle Mills

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1379 Cr 1007, Glen Rose, TX
Lois Elaine Madry

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P.o Box 1724 Glen Rose, Tx, Glen Rose, TX
Bobby Glenn Wilson

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505 Sw Big Bend Trail Ste B, Po Box 3299, Glen Rose, TX 76043