Dfw Irealty, Llc is a licensed real estate broker llc in Plano, Texas and has a total experience of 13 years in real estate business. The real estate license number 9001418 was issued by TREC to Dfw Irealty, Llc on 24 May, 2012. The current status of license is Current and Active and address listed on Dfw Irealty, Llc's license document is 7005 Chase Oaks Blvd Ste 200, Plano, Texas, 75025. The license will expire on 31 May, 2022. You can reach out to Dfw Irealty, Llc via phone number 469-916-8811.
Dfw Irealty, Llc has a license type of Real Estate Broker LLC which allows a real estate entity to perform real estate services for their clients in return for commission. Real estate entity needs to designate an active licensed individual broker to act on its behalf. Designated broker for Dfw Irealty, Llc is Daniel Carson Eng who is a Real Estate Broker (License Number 514529). Licensed real estate professionals / entities are also commonly referred to as real estate agents or Realtors.
Name | Dfw Irealty, Llc |
Credentials | Real Estate Broker LLC |
Experience | 13 yrs |
Complete Address | 7005 Chase Oaks Blvd Ste 200, Plano, Texas, 75025 |
Mailing Address | 7005 Chase Oaks Blvd Ste 200, Plano, Texas, 75025 |
Phone Number | 469-916-8811 |
Email Address | kelleyliu168 @ gmail . com |
License Number | 9001418 |
License Type | Real Estate Broker LLC |
License Status | Current and Active |
License Issue Date | 24 May, 2012 |
License Expiry Date | 31 May, 2022 |
A business entity cannot act as a broker in Texas unless the entity designates an active individual broker to act on its behalf. Daniel Carson Eng is a designated broker for Dfw Irealty, Llc.
Designated Broker | Daniel Carson Eng |
Designated Officer Type | Real Estate Broker |
License Number | 514529 |
As per our records, there are 23 real estate agents who are currently working for Dfw Irealty, Llc. Sales agents in Texas needs to be sponsored by a licensed real estate broker.
Employee Name | Credentials | Experience | License Number |
Sally Atkins Parks | Sales Agent | 34 yrs | 417897 |
Eugene Ethan Yeoh | Sales Agent | 21 yrs | 520485 |
Susane Soseta Kouch | Sales Agent | 21 yrs | 529481 |
Amanda Shao Chin | Sales Agent | 19 yrs | 558124 |
Angela Ruiyi Bao | Sales Agent | 15 yrs | 604722 |
Yumi Yamada | Sales Agent | 15 yrs | 610049 |
Melissa Trang | Sales Agent | 13 yrs | 618582 |
Chih-kan Celia Chang | Sales Agent | 12 yrs | 627547 |
Gabriel Ho | Sales Agent | 12 yrs | 627826 |
Diane Kah-poh Lee | Sales Agent | 12 yrs | 630366 |
Shirley Yu | Sales Agent | 11 yrs | 641291 |
Yixiong Ma | Sales Agent | 10 yrs | 658989 |
Katie Chien | Sales Agent | 10 yrs | 659139 |
David Daugherty Nam | Sales Agent | 10 yrs | 660341 |
Mio Meaghan Yamada | Sales Agent | 9 yrs | 678709 |
Samantha Lynn Chatman-saul | Sales Agent | 8 yrs | 683236 |
Vera Wei Ching Sun | Sales Agent | 8 yrs | 683529 |
Jien Yu Cheng | Sales Agent | 8 yrs | 690437 |
Phuong Vu | Sales Agent | 7 yrs | 704471 |
Lauren Chon | Sales Agent | 7 yrs | 705490 |
Robert Chen | Sales Agent | 7 yrs | 707299 |
Grace M Park | Sales Agent | 7 yrs | 707811 |
Irene Yin Chi Leung Lee | Sales Agent | 6 yrs | 718625 |