Nuestro Futuro Llc

Real Estate Corporation

Keller Williams Reading Realty Group, 711 Spring Street, Wyomissing, Pennsylvania, 19610

Nuestro Futuro Llc is a licensed real estate corp llc in Wyomissing, Pennsylvania and has a total real estate experience of 17 years and is in the business of real estate transactions in Berks County of Pennsylvania. Licensed real estate professionals / entities are also commonly referred to as real estate agents or Realtors. The real estate license number RB066775 was issued to Nuestro Futuro Llc by Pennsylvania Real State Commission on 21 October, 2008. The status of license is Active and address listed on Nuestro Futuro Llc's license document is Keller Williams Reading Realty Group, 711 Spring Street, Wyomissing, Pennsylvania, 19610. The real estate license is valid till 31 May, 2020.

Nuestro Futuro Llc has a license type of Real Estate Corp LLC which allows a real estate professional or entity to perform services such as selling, buying, renting, auctioning, advertising of real estate properties for compensation commonly in the form of commission or brokerage which is generally negotiable.

Realtor's Profile

NameNuestro Futuro Llc
CredentialsReal Estate Corp LLC
Contact AddressKeller Williams Reading Realty Group, 711 Spring Street, Wyomissing, Pennsylvania, 19610
License NumberRB066775
CountyBerks County

License Status

Real Estate License RB066775
License TypeReal Estate Corp LLC
License StatusActive
License Issued On21 October, 2008
License Expiry Date31 May, 2020

Employees of Nuestro Futuro Llc

As per our records, there are 37 real estate agents who are currently working for Nuestro Futuro Llc (Real Estate Corp LLC).
Employee NameCredentialsLicense NumberValidity
Israel GonzalezBrokerRM42302831 May, 2020
Brad S WeismanSalespersonRS196039L31 May, 2020
Ronald A SamselSalespersonRS202136L31 May, 2020
Debora S ScheidtSalespersonRS28376231 May, 2020
Paulette RobersonSalespersonRS28413131 May, 2020
Cathy M KopiczSalespersonRS29098731 May, 2020
Susan Fox McfaddenSalespersonRS29720331 May, 2020
Michael C FlammerSalespersonRS30118031 May, 2020
Jessica L JaniszewskiSalespersonRS30489131 May, 2020
Anna Marie OrtizSalespersonRS30763331 May, 2020
Jenniffer JimenezSalespersonRS30880031 May, 2020
Josue MoralesSalespersonRS31065231 May, 2020
Marcus I GonzalezSalespersonRS31983431 May, 2020
Maureen Y WagnerSalespersonRS32254831 May, 2020
Muhammad N ArchieSalespersonRS32630531 May, 2020
Justin M ManciasSalespersonRS32678431 May, 2020
Joseph M Eways IiSalespersonRS32815931 May, 2020
Katie BroskeySalespersonRS32847031 May, 2020
Colleen F JohnsSalespersonRS32858631 May, 2020
Cheryl ArroyoSalespersonRS32866931 May, 2020
Jodie L GearySalespersonRS32867031 May, 2020
Hector R SantiagoSalespersonRS32879431 May, 2020
Jorge A Gonzalez JrSalespersonRS33049731 May, 2020
Laura Flores-martinezSalespersonRS33187131 May, 2020
Taylor L FerrettiSalespersonRS33223731 May, 2020
Terry A ImschweilerSalespersonRS33259931 May, 2020
Rafael O SantiagoSalespersonRS33716531 May, 2020
Zylkia R RiveraSalespersonRS33755931 May, 2020
Kamryn Nicole BrennanSalespersonRS33757731 May, 2020
Warren Quinn LariviereSalespersonRS33793931 May, 2020
Jared M FranklinSalespersonRS33795931 May, 2020
Mercedes N BaileySalespersonRS33983331 May, 2020
Daniel WhiteSalespersonRS34104731 May, 2020
Mark James McfaddenSalespersonRS34139031 May, 2020
Helberth J GamezSalespersonRS34166031 May, 2020
Brad Richard BurrowsSalespersonRS34174531 May, 2020
Stephanie RodriguezSalespersonRS34267931 May, 2020

Branch offices of Nuestro Futuro Llc

As per our records, there are 1 branch office/s of Nuestro Futuro Llc (Real Estate Corp LLC) at different locations as mentioned below.
Employee NameLocationLicense NumberNo. of Employees
Nuestro Futuro LlcReading Realty Group, 1763 N 3rd Street, ReadingRO3018550

Address Location for Nuestro Futuro Llc
Real Estate Corp LLCs in Berks County, PA
Forest Hills Memorial Park Inc

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390 W Neversink Road, Reading, PA 19606
Brumbach Assocs Inc

Real Estate Corporation
40 N Reading Avenue, Po Box 506, Boyertown, PA 195120506
Vankirk Enterprises Inc

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Park Road R E, 60 Commerce Drive, Wyomissing, PA 19610
Real Enterprises Inc

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Remax Of Reading, 1290 Broadcasting Road, Wyomissing, PA 19610
Advance Realty Inc

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Century 21 Gold, 925 Berkshire Blvd, Wyomissing, PA 19610
Associated Realty And Appraisals Inc

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116 South Fifth Street, Reading, PA 19602
Casper Ward Ltd

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126 West 36th Street, Reiffton, PA 19606
Realty Affiliates Incorporated

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57 Kutz Road, Temple, PA 19560