Donna Gardner

Real Estate Agent

Re/max Best, 1200 Hamlin Highway, Lake Ariel, Pennsylvania, 18436

Donna Gardner is a licensed real estate salesperson in Lake Ariel, Pennsylvania and has a total real estate experience of 14 years and is in the business of real estate transactions in Wayne County of Pennsylvania. Licensed real estate professionals / entities are also commonly referred to as real estate agents or Realtors. The real estate license number RS318330 was issued to Donna Gardner by Pennsylvania Real State Commission on 28 September, 2011. The status of license is Active and address listed on Donna Gardner's license document is Re/max Best, 1200 Hamlin Highway, Lake Ariel, Pennsylvania, 18436. The real estate license is valid till 31 May, 2020.

Donna Gardner has a license type of Real Estate Salesperson which allows a real estate professional to perform services such as selling, buying, renting, auctioning, advertising of real estate properties for compensation (in the form of commission or brokerage), but only at the direction and control of a real estate broker. The employer for Donna Gardner is Meagher Realty Group Llc (real estate license no. RB067095) which is a Broker Corp Llc Partner.

Realtor's Profile

NameDonna Gardner
CredentialsReal Estate Salesperson
Contact AddressRe/max Best, 1200 Hamlin Highway, Lake Ariel, Pennsylvania, 18436
License NumberRS318330
CountyWayne County
EmployerMeagher Realty Group Llc
Employer License NumberRB067095

License Status

Real Estate License RS318330
License TypeReal Estate Salesperson
License StatusActive
License Issued On28 September, 2011
License Expiry Date31 May, 2020

Work Place

Donna Gardner (Real Estate Salesperson) works for Meagher Realty Group Llc (A Real Estate Corp LLC) at Lake Ariel, PA along with 14 other co-workers. The real estate license number for Meagher Realty Group Llc (Real Estate Corp LLC) is RB067095.
Employer NameMeagher Realty Group Llc
Employer CredentialsReal Estate Corp LLC
Employer License NumberRB067095
Employer AddressRe/max Best, 1200 Hamlin Highway, Lake Ariel, PA 18436
Employer CountyWayne County
No. of Branches0
No. of Employees15

Address Location for Donna Gardner
Real Estate Salespersons in Wayne County, PA
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631 Route 739, Hawley, PA 18428
August X Reidenbach

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Wallenpaupack Realty, 2449 Route 6, Hawley, PA 18428
Robert J Mcginnis

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Coldwell Banker, Lakeview Realtors, Hawley, PA 18428
Eric James Ehrhardt

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631 Route 739, Hawley, PA 18428
Kenneth R Connors

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Coldwell Banker, Lakeview Realtors, Hawley, PA 18428
Mary Ann Schmalzle

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Coldwell Banker, Lakeview Realtors, Hawley, PA 18428
Joseph S Regenski

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631 Route 739, Hawley, PA 18428
Maureen P Mccleary

Real Estate Agent
Re/max Best, 1200 Hamlin Highway, Lake Ariel, PA 18436